Field Rangers 3.5, Lightweight 3.5, and 7
The Questar® Field Ranger 3.5 has been redesigned and configured to be more rugged and durable in a lighter package than any other Questar system to date. The Questar Light Weight Field Ranger 3.5 will deliver under the most demanding situations. Its new lower profile and weight will make using this unit a standard item for all surveillance applications.
The Field Ranger 3.5 is based on the acclaimed
Questar Field Model design. The combination of
unsurpassed optics with a simple and rugged
design contributes to making it the ideal high-magnification
field surveillance lens. The Field Ranger 3.5 is extremely light, compact and well
balanced. Its configuration makes it perfect for use with eyepieces, video, night vision, and
digital equipment.
The Field Ranger 7 is based on the acclaimed Questar 7-inch design. The combination of unsurpassed
optics with a simple and rugged design contributes to making it the ideal high-magnification field
surveillance lens. The Field Ranger 7 is light, compact and well balanced. The EFL and aperture give it
2 times the power and 4 times the light grasp of its smaller brother, the Field Ranger 3.5. Its
configuration makes it perfect for use with eyepieces, video, and night vision equipment.