Sun 3.5" Questar w/ Coronado ASP60 H-alpha filter and MX-916 CCD camera. 0.3 seconds (with neutral density "moon" filter). VanCittert deconv (rad=2.5, iter=15) Mosaic of 2 images. 2001/11/22 15:02:40 UT The large sun spot with the large arcing filament appears to be the region that produced a large Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) at about 23:00 UT on 11/22 (Thanksgiving Day). Here's the synopsis issued by A powerful solar flare that erupted on 22 November has produced a coronal mass ejection that is Earthward-bound. Its impact is expected during the early to mid UTC hours of 24 November. Auroral activity is expected to rapidly intensify following the arrival of the disturbance. Auroral activity may be observed across a wide range of middle latitude regions.